Create a Darkzone with super cool mobs that drop custom loot.
š ManticDarkzone
š ((1.8, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20.x))
Features (All features can be disabled)
ā Custom Mobs
- Mob Limits, bound to an area (optional), max/min y level spawn locations, ability to make the mobs passive or not (obviously mobs passive by default cannot be made agressive)
- Custom Drops (Item or command based) (drop chances are weighted)
- Darkzone Shop (Trade drops for something else)
- Ability to change mob type.
- Configurable armour, weapons and potion effects (for mobs that support it)
ā Built-in Portal System
- In-game portal creator
- Portal visualisation (to view activation blocks)
ā Anti Enderpearls
ā Command Blocker
- Advanced command blocked
- Ability to block then rewhitelisted parts of a command (i.e block '/f' then whitelist '/f who')
ā Ignored Regions
- These areas ignore restrictions such as the command blocker and anti enderpearls
ā API Events for developers: DarkzoneMobHitEvent & DarkzoneMobKillEvent
(Test server available, make a ticket)