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The Best Premium Mob Sword plugin with Upgrades, Enchants and more...
Brief Current Feature List 1.8 -> 1.21.x
➙ Full economy that can be integrated with ManticRods, MiningEconomy and ManticHoes economy!
➙ Built in currency/economy and shop
➙ Captcha System
➙ 8 Default Enchants (EXP Finder, Money Finder, Crystal Finder, Key Finder, Spawner Finder, Drop Booster, Haste and Autosell)
➙ Ability to create your own commands (& native economy, potions....) enchants directly in the enchants config!
➙ Configurable commands
➙ ShopGuiPlus sell price integration (with override prices)
➙ Ability to create multiple types of mob swords (more flexibility will be introduced in the future)
➙ Mobtop and crystaltop leaderboard
➙ Toggleable Autosell mode
➙ Whitelisted Mobs
➙ Custom Drops
➙ Drop Confirmation
(Requires ManticLib - free in #plugin-downloads )